31 July 2024
Principal News
Dear Kimberley Park State School parents and carers,
Welcome to Term 3, Semester 2
We look forward to the many events that this term brings, Parent Teacher Interviews, Design Make Create Faire, Book Week, Excursions, Incursions, Wakakirri, Under 8’s Day, Wonder of Science Regional Conference, Student Make It Day, Instrumental Workshops and the P & C Disco. KP is an action-packed school.
Semester 2 Staffing
Slime Event – What a P & C
We are so grateful to the P & C for the magnificent SLIME Colour & Foam Party after our school Fun Run. The target funds were made and arrangements for the oval shade is expected to happen in the coming holidays.
The much-needed shade will provide opportunities for students every day to escape the sun, when they want to be a part of the oval environment but not play sport. Suddenly the oval will be accessible for more opportunities during every day play, P.E. lessons and oval events.
Thank you to our P & C for the huge amount of work required for this event to happen. Thank you to the entire community for your participation, enthusiasm and support for such an event. It really did create childhood and community memories.
Camp Australia
We are thrilled to welcome Camp Australia from the commencement of this term.
They have been enthusiastically welcomed by students and parents. The team attended our P & C meeting as a genuine partner this month. They are planning to assist and support many things happening beyond their service, in the school. The students are delighted with the food, activities and unique programs happening before and after school.
Screen time and YOUR CHILD's Brain
Effects of Excessive Screen Time on Child Development: An Updated Review and Strategies for Management 2023
Sudheer Kumar Muppalla, Sravya Vuppalapati, Apeksha Reddy Pulliahgaru, & Himabundi Sreenivasulu
A taster, with the full article link at the end
Computer use and video gaming, but not television viewing, were shown to be connected with more severe depressive symptoms when looking at the effects of various types of screens. Video gaming, in particular, is correlated with the severity of anxiety [17]. These findings align with other studies showing a cumulative impact of high screen time on symptoms, with more pronounced effects emerging during early adolescence and beyond [17]. Screen time-induced poor sleep, night time use of digital devices, and dependency on mobile phones have been associated with depressive symptoms [20]. Sleep issues, excessive screen time, and exposure to content that is violent and fast-paced trigger dopamine and reward pathways in the brain, all of which have been associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-related behaviour [20]. Early and persistent exposure to violent content raises the chance of engaging in antisocial behaviour [20]. Psychoneurological effects of addictive screen time use include a decrease in social coping skills and the development of craving behaviours resembling substance dependence [20]. Structural changes in the brain related to cognitive control and emotional regulation have been observed in individuals with addictive digital media behaviour [20].
It is worth noting that screens can also have positive educational and informational benefits [17]. For example, many schools are effectively using blogs as educational tools to improve written English, and the Internet provides access to health resources, including information on sexually transmitted infections and mental health [17]. Starting around the age of two years, high-quality television programs that are designed for specific educational purposes can serve as an additional means for early language and literacy development in children [21]. Such programs can also support cognitive development, promote positive racial attitudes, and encourage imaginative play [21]. High-quality content can enhance social and language skills for all children aged two years and older, particularly for those who are living in poverty or facing other disadvantages [21]. The presence of smartphones blurs the boundaries between work and home life, making timing unpredictable, and frequently requiring emotional investment to respond to them [21]. These findings emphasize the potential negative consequences of excessive screen exposure during early childhood, particularly when screens are present in a child's personal space, such as their bedroom [19]. This study emphasizes the significance of face-to-face interaction, especially with primary caregivers, in promoting the development of social-emotional competence in young children [19]. Further research is needed to investigate the mechanisms underlying the connection between screen time and developmental vulnerabilities [22].
2025 Enrolments, we are READY
Kimberley Park State School is a really special place. I sincerely enjoy every day. Our ability to provide the breadth of programs for every child is dependent on student numbers. We are creating a pamphlet for our local childcare centres and sports clubs to ensure our school is showcased. Your continued support to promote the school (if you are comfortable to do so) on ‘community pages’ and within your friendship groups is very much appreciated.
Loose Parts Play - Do you have STUFF?
Every Wednesday, Loose Parts Play hits the spot for a number of students. We are always on the hunt for more recycled ‘stuff’. The ideal items are sturdy, nail free, medium to larger size items that would not be damaged if they got wet – moulded plastic things, hoses, tubes, furniture, pipes, stands, plastic mats, ropes, sunshades, odd things.
Loose Parts Play is a creative, building activity, that enhances collaboration, design, role play and eccentric freedom. If you have something that we could use, please drop it at my office – the door next to the staffroom door or to the main office.
School Opinion Survey
The suite of School Opinion Surveys is undertaken each year by the Department of Education to obtain opinions about our school from families, school staff and students in target year levels (5, 6, 8 and 11).
The surveys will help identify what we are doing well and understand where we can improve. The survey invitation has been emailed the week beginning 15 July and is titled School Opinion Survey for parents and caregivers, 2024.
Each school family will receive one email invitation from the Department of Education to complete the Parent/Caregiver Survey.
The survey is anonymous, and the results are not reported in ways that an individual’s response can be identified by the school. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to complete the survey.
The survey can be completed via computers, tablets or smart phones with an internet connection. For parents/caregivers who do not have access to the internet school computers/tablets will be available. Parents/caregivers who experience difficulties accessing the survey can request a new survey from the School Opinion Survey team via email schoolopinionsurvey@qed.qld.gov.au
It’s important that as many parents/caregivers as possible complete the survey; the higher the sample size, the more stable the data picture is.
Can’t find your invitation? If your family has more than one parent/caregiver, check that they haven’t received the invitation and/or check your junk email folder.
Thank you for taking the time to provide this feedback.
Illegal Parking around the School
Logan City Council do regular patrols around our school at the beginning and end of the day. The patrol is a car that drives around the boundary of the school with a camera that photographs number plates. Parking in the Drop & Go areas, across people's driveways, on a yellow line and not recognising time limits, are offences that attract fines. From our understanding the fines can be quite a bit of money.
Libby Jordan
Year 4 - 6 Deputy News
Year 6 Graduation
Welcome to Semester 2. It is hard to believe that we are over halfway through the academic year. This year has already been filled with growth, learning, and memorable moments. The personal growth in our current Year 6 has been excellent, and they are beginning to recognise that they will only be a Kimberley Park student for a few more months. When I point this out to them, they often take a moment, after working it out in their minds and then look shocked at how quickly their time has gone. It has been wonderful to see them develop since their Year 5 camp to Emu Gully last year. They have shown resilience, kindness and mateship. It was an excellent opportunity to bond as a group of young people.
In this semester we plan and organise their graduation. It is a huge undertaking, and our students design exactly how they would like it to be.
Our first step is to meet with the cohort and for them to generate ideas. We genuinely listen to them all. We discuss what they would like from their special evening, we plot their ideas down with regard to food and the after party. I then create a questionnaire using the ideas they have suggested. All students then fill out the questionnaire. The results are counted, we inform the students of the results and then begin to plan their event.
I will also write to parents and carers and invite you to be part of the Graduation Committee. Last year we had a fabulous group of parents who gave their time to meet with me, organise gifts and prepare the Graduation gift bags and envelopes for our students. If, due to work commitments you cannot make the meetings and would like to be involved, please let me know. We can include you in the organisation and creation of the graduation gift bags. Many hands make light work. I will let you know more in a letter that will be emailed.
For our Year 6 students this semester goes very quickly. They have the Parliament House excursion, their amazing trip to Fraser Island, and transition days to their new high school. I will remind them to stop and enjoy the moments.
It is a privilege to work with our students, witness their growth and to prepare them for their final moments of primary school. Thank you for your ongoing support, it is much appreciated.
Sian Haywood
Deputy Principal, Year 4 - 6
Prep - Year 3 Deputy News
This Semester Prep to Year 3 will commence their Japanese lessons. These lessons will be each week and are provided by our Specialist Japanese teacher Mrs Melissa Magoffin. Mrs Magoffin has planned many exciting and interactive lessons which will allow the students to explore the Japanese culture and language.
Students in Prep and Year 1 will explore “A Package from Japan”, they will look at popular things from Japan via a package that has been ‘delivered’ from Japan. They will learn how to greet others and introduce themselves in Japanese. They will also learn to respond to basic instructions in Japanese.
Students in Years 2 will be working on self-introductions in Japanese. Students will learn how to say greetings at different times of the day. They will also learn how to introduce themselves and ask others what their names are and use a popular Japanese expression when meeting someone for the first time.
In Year 3 the students will be looking at Japanese traditional sports. They will explore eight different traditional Japanese sports. They will learn how to pronounce these sports in Japanese and how to say which sports they like and dislike using a complete Japanese sentence.
I am sure that the students will be coming home and sharing their knowledge of the Japanese culture and practicing their Japanese words with you all
Reading is Magic
Janelle Ireland
Deputy Principal, Prep - Year 3
Inclusion News
Inclusive Education Information Sessions
Kimberley Park State School has a well-developed history of embracing diversity and inclusive learning. A lot of changes have occurred with supporting students with disabilities in schools over the last few years. We are currently gauging interest to see if parents/carers would like to attend ‘information’ or ‘question-and-answer’ style sessions relating to inclusive education at KPSS. If you are interested in attending these sessions, please complete the short survey using the following link. If you have more than one child with a disability, please feel free to enter details for each child in Question 3’s text box (eg Child 1 – ASD; Child 2 – ADHD etc). https://forms.office.com/r/zmACht5YwX
Anne Purdy
Head of Inclusive Learning
Curriculum News
Kimberley Park Supports All Staff
Kimberley Park State School offers an extensive range of professional development opportunities for all of our staff. In growing highly skilled staff, we can provide engaging teaching and learning opportunities for the optimum success of our students.
Staff Meetings
Teachers attend a weekly staff meeting that focuses on school priorities such as Literacy, Numeracy and Student Wellbeing.
Professional Learning Teams (PLTs)
Teachers attend an additional school funded one-hour professional development meeting each week. This meeting is scheduled during class time. Year level teams work together on areas specific to their team’s needs such as data discussions, teaching and learning, moderation and targeted student support.
Planning Days
Each term, year level teams are released together for one day to collectively discuss and fine tune teaching and learning programs for the following term. These days provide vital targeted time for our teachers to tap into the expertise of their teams as they focus their creative strength in planning lessons full of activity-based learning to promote high levels of student engagement for the term ahead.
Teacher Aide Meetings
Teacher Aides are released each fortnight for a 30-minute professional development meeting. Topics are focused on school priority areas or are determined via staff consultation. Supporting diverse learner needs, Scribing Protocols, English Marking Guides, Student Wellbeing and Mentor Models are examples of the range of topics covered.
Annual Performance Development Plans (APDPs)
All staff set professional goals for the year ahead. These are documented and action plans mapped out to support attainment of these goals. Check-ins occur throughout the year. These goals are taken into consideration when compiling Professional Learning Schedules each term.
Administration Staff
Some Administration staff attended a three-day conference during the recent school holidays, learning about topics relevant to their roles, listening to guest speakers and networking with other school teams to discuss and refine their practices.
School’s Officer
Our Schools Officer, Dave, attended a conference last week. This event offers a variety of role specific sessions and networking opportunities.
Cleaning Staff
Our School Cleaners attend face-to-face training each year hosted by Kimberley Park State School. This training offers hands on opportunities, product demonstrations, discussion forums and stories and solutions from other workplaces. Opportunities for networking and building industry connections occurs throughout this day.
Staff Meetings also occur for our Administration, School’s Officer and Cleaning Staff to address role specific requirements. All staff are also welcome to source additional personal professional development opportunities such as workshops or seminars and if in school hours, can apply to attend these.
We value and support our staff in continuing to refine their practices and staying up to date with current educational research and trends. In nurturing expert staff at Kimberley Park State School, our students and families are the real winners!
Cathy Day
Head of Curriculum
From the Mentors
Parents of Prep and Year 1 students are invited to attend an upcoming workshop presented by Robyn Slater, our Maths Mentor. Robyn will give you some ideas on how to help your child develop a flexible number sense using a variety of manipulates which you will most likely have at home. Dates will be advertised shortly on the KPSS Facebook page.
Julie George
Mentor Coordinator
Dates to Remember
Administration News
QParents App
All excursion, incursion and camp permission forms are now being sent via the QParents App. If you haven't already, sign up to QParents by following the steps in the invitation email sent to all families. If you need this to be re-sent, or have any questions regarding the sign-up process, please contact admin.
Medication in Schools
Students may require medication to manage ongoing health disorders or conditions, short-term illnesses or in a medical emergency.
If students need to take medication during school time, parents/guardians are asked to follow these Department Policy Guidelines:
1. Parent / guardian must complete an authority form for medication to be administered. These forms are
available at the school office.
2. The medication (in its original packaging) with a completed current pharmacy label (that indicates that it is prescribed medication), and/or other written authorisation signed by the prescribing health practitioner.
3. Over the counter medications e.g. ‘Panadol’, cough mixture etc. needs to be prescribed by a medical practitioner (doctor, dentist, optometrist, nurse practitioner) and labelled by a pharmacy with both the student’s and prescribing medical practitioner’s names and dosage amount. At no time must any medication be kept in student bags.
4. All doses given will be recorded by the person responsible for giving medication.
All medication will be administered from Administration where it is stored securely along with the paperwork provided by the parents regarding this. The only exception to this is Asthma medications, EpiPens and medication associated with diabetes. Please provide the school with a copy of your child’s Health Plan and ensure it is regularly updated by your child’s health professional.
Payment Reminders:
Activity | Payment Due Date |
Year 4 St Helena Island Excursion | $45 due 07/08/2024 |
Prep PEEC Excursion | $60 due 09/08/2024 |
Prep - Year 6 Street Science Incursion | $7 due 13/08/2024 |
Year 6 Camp - Hervey Bay | $760 due 13/09/2024 |
Payments can be made as follows:
- QParents App
- Selecting the payment link at the bottom of your invoice
- Direct deposit (BSB 064 401), Account 00090295, Account Name Kimberley Park State School General Account) – please note student’s full name
- Centrepay – Centrepay is a voluntary bill-paying service which is free for Service Australia customers. Use Centrepay to arrange regular deductions from your Services Australia payment. You can start or change a deduction at any time. The quickest way to do it is through your Services Australia account online. Go to servicesaustralia.gov.au/Centrepay for more information.
2025 Enrolments
Enquiries to enrolments@kimberleyparkss.eq.edu.au